Fellows Mid-Term Feedback Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 3Where are you serving? *Select oneJonesvilleJohnson City (New Build, TCHR)Disaster Recovery (East KY)Name (optional)How has your interaction been with the following?Your volunteers *n/a1 - poor2345 678910 - greatYour community *1 - poor2345 678910 - greatOther fellows at your location *n/a1 - poor2345 678910 - greatYour regional supervisor (Annalee, Rose, William, Grant) *1 - poor2345 678910 - greatChaplain (Jane) *1 - poor2345 678910 - greatComments about any of the above interactionsNextHow has your interaction been with the following ASP departments? (use the N/A choice if you haven't had interaction with that department)Advancement (Lyssa, Sheryl, Flossie, Carson, Dave) *N/A1 - poor2345 678910 - greatMarketing (Chelsi) *N/A1 - poor2345 678910 - greatAccounting (Susan, Gina, Paul, Lori, Derrick) *N/A1 - poor2345 678910 - greatVolunteer (Karen, Sarah, Marie, Jen, Laura) *N/A1 - poor2345 678910 - greatIT (Skip) *N/A1 - poor2345 678910 - greatHome Repair (Annalee, Kristina, Caroline, Rose, Daniel, Megan, John, Candice, etc) *N/A1 - poor2345 678910 - greatNew Build/DR (Chris, Julie, William, Erin H, Matt, Grant, Haley, etc) *N/A1 - poor2345 678910 - greatHR (Gail, Sam, Brendan, Emma) *N/A1 - poor2345 678910 - great ELT (Walter, Melisa, Kate, Greg) *N/A1 - poor2345 678910 - greatComments on any of the above interactionsNextHow has your experience been with the vocational discernment resources? Which resources have been the most helpful so far? What suggestions do you have for improvements? *Fall Workshop: What did you most enjoy about the Fall Workshop? Which session was most helpful? What additional/other sessions would you like to have at the Fall Workshop? How have you felt supported in professoinal development this year? How else can we support you? Is there any additional feedback you would like to provide based on your experience so far? *E.g. fall training, program activities, spiritual growth and development, staff culture/ health, winter workshop, otherDo you have any ideas to continue improving/expanding the fellowship? *Staff morale is: *Select oneDownFlatUpMixedOverall, how satisfied are you with your experience as a fellow? *Select oneVery satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeutralSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedHow likely are you to recommend the ASP fellowship program to others? *Select oneVery likelySomewhat likelyUnsureSomewhat unlikelyVery unlikelyThe Hiring Team is in the process of recruiting and hiring for the 2023-24 fellowship class. Is there anyone you know that they should reach out to who would make a great fellow? If so, you can either list their names here or get in touch with Brendan or Emma!Paragraph TextWebsiteSubmit