Prayer Partner Survey

Welcome to your Prayer Partner Survey

Full Name

Are you a 2018-19 Fellow?

Where did/do you go to school and what did/do you study?

What does “prayer” look like for you? Helpful answers might include - "I pray daily and ask for God's help when making all major decisions in my life," "I pray through meditation / music / art, etc." “I only pray before tests and major sporting events” or "I don't pray." Remember, any answer is acceptable.

What do you enjoy in your non-work and non-school time?

How much contact do you want with your Prayer Partner this summer?

What are your three biggest prayer requests?

How can your chaplain best help you this summer?

CDs & Returners Only: Is there someone on staff that you would like to be Prayer Partners with?

It is okay to share my basic information with ASP donors for prayer over the summer?

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